About the Program

Tutoring is offered virtually through Zoom each week. Tutoring sessions are for the purposes of improving students’ GPAs, preparing for the End-of-Course Assessment, getting ready for the SAT/ACT, and enhancing study skills.

During the academic year: Tutoring is available every Monday-Wednesday. Monday- Math, Tuesday- Science, and Wednesday- English and Spanish tutoring. Tutoring is offered from 5:00pm-7:30pm.

Programming is offered to support and to augment high school instruction as well as to provide opportunities for career exploration and the development of success skills.

Individual sessions and group workshops focus on each student’s academic progress to help develop his or her postsecondary options. Workshops and opportunities may include:

*Core 40/academic/technical honors tracking
*Job shadow opportunities

Upward Bound students virtually explore local, state, and regional colleges and universities to gain exposure to institutions of higher education. The visits can assist students with the college selection process. Visits may include:

*IU Indianapolis
*Notre Dame
*Ball State
*Indiana State
*Indiana University
*Historical Black Colleges and Universities
*Hispanic Serving Institutions
*Purdue University
*St. Mary’s College

Upward Bound students have the opportunity to attend virtual field trips that may include museums, theater productions, trivia nights and talks given by nationally known speakers.

Upward Bound students have opportunities to participate in various leadership seminars and activities throughout the year, such as:

*CLD Annual College Prep Fair
*Indiana TRIO Student Leadership Conference
*Stewart Speakers Series

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Summer Academy

During the summer, participants are offered the opportunity to live the college experience. Students take academic classes and live in residential housing on the IU Indianapolis campus. Summer Academy exposes participants not only to challenges and fun but also offers students the chance to gain a sense of independence, improve social interaction skills, and most importantly, lessen the anxiety of their future college experience.

An female Upward Bound student ziplining in a forest.

Benefits of Participating

  • Receive one-on-one mentoring and advising 
  • Engage in tutoring and study sessions 
  • Visit colleges and universities in the region 
  • Take classes that give you the foundation to succeed in college 
  • Socialize with other students and learn about different ethnic and cultural backgrounds 
  • Take trips to museums, philharmonic concerts, the theater, and more 
  • Volunteer in the community 
  • Take part in leadership development workshops and conferences 
  • Explore career opportunities 
  • Learn more about the college admissions and financial aid processes

Program Objectives

  • Provide academic skill instruction in math, science, and language arts
  • Make available tutoring and academic counseling for all participants
  • Make a positive impact on test scores and grade point averages of students with a special emphasis on math, science, and language arts
  • Expose students to new academic, social, and cultural learning experiences
  • Enhance the overall personal and academic development of all participants
  • Instill a positive attitude and appreciation toward lifelong learning
  • Assist participants and parents/guardians with the preparation of college applications and financial aid forms
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