You can go to college, and Upward Bound can help!

We Are Upward Bound

Housed at IU Indianapolis, the Upward Bound program is designed to bridge the gap between high school and college. We'll help you prepare for college—from admissions to academics to campus life.

Upward Bound is still ongoing and is providing in-person and virtual programming.

We get an insight as to what our futures could be like if we go to college and get a degree.

Carrisa Harris | 2017 Upward Bound Alumni

Our Numbers Talk

7,621Upward Bound made a total of 7,621 participant contacts in 2015–2016.

100%Secondary school retention and graduation has been 100% since 2013.

Two students working together to make food.
An female Upward Bound student ziplining in a forest.
A student writing with an Expo marker on large sheets of paper that are tacked to a white board.

Contact Us

815 W. Michigan Street
IU Indianapolis Taylor Hall
Lower Level, B07
Indianapolis, IN 46202


9:00 a.m.–6:00 p.m.